Looking for some peace of mind when it comes to keeping your tank full during the winter season? Casey’s Oil and Propane offers hassle-free automatic delivery to customers in Newport, Bristol, and Washington counties. This way, you can rest easy knowing that your fuel supply is in good hands no matter what the weather has in store. Sign up today and leave the rest to us!
Automatic delivery customers never have to worry about remembering to schedule deliveries or checking the amount of oil in their tanks. Casey’s Oil and Propane will estimate your annual fuel needs based on previous delivery history and specific factors such as heating preference and property size. We will monitor your fuel usage and take the daily weather into account with our advanced computer system to anticipate when you will need your next oil delivery. You can trust Casey’s Oil and Propane to have the fuel you need to keep you and your family comfortable from season to season.
SIGN UP FOR AUTO DELIVERYAutomatic Delivery is affordable and most importantly, convenient. When you enroll in automatic delivery with Casey’s Oil and Propane, you will also benefit from these valuable advantages:
Automatic delivery is the best way to protect your family and heating system from fuel runouts. We track daily fuel usage and weather patterns to accurately estimate when the next fuel delivery is needed before your tank gets too low.
Our technology tracking helps our customers avoid inefficient ordering by anticipating your fuel deliveries and scheduling them to best fit your routine and budget.
Skip the stress of managing fuel deliveries throughout the year. Automatic deliveries from Casey’s Oil and Propane brings your fuel right to your door. No need to call or even be home!
Want to learn more about automatic delivery or sign up for the next heating season?
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